Código fuente de 'Convierte de bytes a Xbytes.asp'


<title>Convierte de bytes a Xbytes - Códigos asp, programacion asp, descargas asp, rutinas asp</title>

<p align="center"><b><font size="3">Convierte de bytes a Xbytes</font></b>
<body style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 11pt">

Este código permite la conversión entre bytes y unidades superiores, tales como 
kilobytes (kb), megabytes (mb), gigabytes (gb) o terabytes (tb).
    ' Name: Convert Bytes
    ' By: Lewis Moten
    ' http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=6264&lngWId=4    
<form method="POST" action="Convierte%20de%20bytes%20a%20Xbytes.asp">
  <p>Entra el número en bytes: <input type="text" name="numero" size="20">
  <input type="submit" value="Enviar" name="B1"><input type="reset" value="Restablecer" name="B2"></p>

    function ConvertBytes(ByRef anBytes)
    	Dim lnSize			' File Size To be returned
    	Dim lsType			' Type of measurement (Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB)
    	Const lnBYTE = 1
    	Const lnKILO = 1024						' 2^10
    	Const lnMEGA = 1048576					' 2^20
    	Const lnGIGA = 1073741824				' 2^30
    	Const lnTERA = 1099511627776			' 2^40
    	'	Const lnPETA = 1.12589990684262E+15		' 2^50
    	'	Const lnEXA = 1.15292150460685E+18		' 2^60
    	'	Const lnZETTA = 1.18059162071741E+21	' 2^70
    	'	Const lnYOTTA = 1.20892581961463E+24	' 2^80
    	if anBytes = "" Or Not IsNumeric(anBytes) Then Exit function
    	if anBytes < 0 Then Exit function	
    '	If anBytes < lnKILO Then
    '		' ByteConversion
    '		lnSize = anBytes
    '		lsType = "bytes"
    '	Else		
    		if anBytes < lnMEGA Then
    			' KiloByte Conversion
    			lnSize = (anBytes / lnKILO)
    			lsType = "kb"
    		ElseIf anBytes < lnGIGA Then
    			' MegaByte Conversion
    			lnSize = (anBytes / lnMEGA)
    			lsType = "mb"
    		ElseIf anBytes < lnTERA Then
    			' GigaByte Conversion
    			lnSize = (anBytes / lnGIGA)
    			lsType = "gb"
    			' TeraByte Conversion
    			lnSize = (anBytes / lnTERA)
    			lsType = "tb"
    		End if
    '	End If
    	' Remove fraction
    	'lnSize = CLng(lnSize)
    	lnSize = FormatNumber(lnSize, 2, True, False, True)
    	' Return the results
    	ConvertBytes = lnSize & " " & lsType
    End function

if numero<>"" then
if isnumeric(numero) and numero<>"" then    
    response.write formatnumber(numero,2) & " bytes son: " & Convertbytes(cdbl(numero))
	response.write "Formato incorrecto"
end if
end if
